Bedtime story part 1
Once upon a time, there lived two teenage girls named Jenny and Alex. They were best friend, might be best friend forever aka BFF. They liked a teenage boy. One boy named David. Both Jenny and Alex were liking the same boy. One day Alex felt that day by day, Jenny’s feeling were getting deeper […]
Silly Presentation
So, I wanna tell you about something that just happened to me and my team during Software class this morning. So, me and 2 other friends (Fattah and Valina) presented about what my lecturer ordered couple weeks before. He ordered us to made a kind of bazaar, and then we made a proposal and present it to get any […]
Karma Itu Alhamdulillah Ada
Jadi hari itu hari kamis, Mr.Jay udah ngasih aba-aba dihari sebelumnya kalau besok ada seminar, jadi beliau gak masuk tapi diganti sama tugas. Jelas gak ada kelas ya mau gimana ya kan, mau gak mau musti pulang. Sesampai dikos, dengan sedikit memberi mereka informasi,”eh, aku gak ada kelas loooh” dengan niat yang cukup pedih. Buat mereka […]
Good Afternoon
Good afternoon my dearest bloggie 😀 Today, I wanna post something unimportant. Umm.. Actually, everything is unimportant. My head is fulled by making report. Yaaa this is life, and I have to do this. I had to do everything what my lecturer ordered. And now, if my mind were a laptop, I would press F5 to refresh my mind. Or I […]
A Mysterious Comic
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, pas lagi beres-beresin kamar, liat komik-komik numpuk gitu. Nah, di perhatiin satu-satu tuh komik, naaah habis perhatiin sekilas komik-komik itu, aku jadi ingat kalau dulu pernah baca komik yang lucu. Nah, salah satu karakternya kalau gak salah bernama Lima dan dia tuh cadel tapi aku lupa judulnya apaa 😐 Naaah, berawal dari […]