The Next Level of Gabutness

Sebuah zodiac menyatakan “Seorang Aquarius..

Wait. Aku kayanya udah ketularan Aiyuni sang Libra Girl yang percaya dengan ramalan zodiac.

“Tapi ken, zodiac gue sama dia tu udah cocok banget…”, she said. And I was like “…… o…k…e…”


Well, kita lanjutin. Bukan suka ngebaca tapi ya tiba tiba nongol dimuka tulisan begini

“Seorang Aquarius adalah orang yang suka akan hal-hal berbau Nostalgia”

Ya, meskipun zodiac aku itu ga jelas kadang Aquarius kadang Capricorn. Yah balada anak yang lahir di tanggal 20 Januari.

Well, aku memutuskan untuk mempercayainya karna emang bener. Suka nostalgia bukan berarti hidup aku yang sekarang lebih buruk dari yang dulu-dulu. Hiks… Ya sebenernya bener sih tapi ya terima saja. huhuhuu

ONE DAY, ya always one day ya. Aku gabut dan ga bisa tidur karna minum kopi kebanyakan. Tingkat kegabutan aku malam itu udah nyampe taraf membaca semua chat-chat yang ada di facebook. Dari tahun 2008 – 2017. 9 TAHUN W-O-W.

Then I found a chat. Dari temen yang ngeforward chat dia dengan Ibu Retno – seorang dosen. Beliau pernah ngajar dikelas aku (Mekatronika), itu kelas praktikum PLC 5 jam nonstop.

Intinya she praised me to my friend. And I was like.. “WWAW”

Sebenernya percaya ga percaya sih ibunya seneng dg aku, soalnya aku sering banget ditegur ibunya karna suka keliaran dikelas, gangguin yang lain, duduk ga sopan (yeu lab rasa rumah sendiri deh). Tapi ternyata he he he he he.

Hari itu, ya biasalah ya praktikum PLC nya per kasus yang ada dimodul. Ngerjain beberapa kasus trus minta acc dari aslab atau dosen. Nah, saat itu kondisinya aku udah selesai beberapa kasus, trus stuck, aslab ga ada, dan aku nungguin Ibu Retno buat acc-in punya aku.

Disaat itu, aku malah main ke ruangan sebelah yang isinya juga praktikan yang diawasi sama aslab. Yu know lah ya when yu bosen kan yu pasti main sana sini. Ntah apa yang terjadi, si aslab ngambil barang aku gitu, trus ya aku kejar. Terjadilah kejar-kejaran dilab itu. Apesnya, ke-notice tuh sma Bu Retno. Trus beliau manggil gue, “Nikeeeeen”, artinya “Jangan lari-lari naak, ini lab”. Akunya langsung malu trus aslab nya ngakak. Akunya langusng duduk di posisi semula. Malu sih sama ibunya. Bukan malu sm tmn kelas. Kalo sama tmn kelas sih bodo ye wk

Will it Matter in 5 Years?

Yak! Sekarang ini seharusnya aku bikin membership fuzzy pake CMEX, atau nge-laprak, atau ngerjain proposal PKM atau tidur karena besok kelas jam 8 pagi. Tapi kesini instead.

Itu Matlab sama sublime text mau di minimize sampe kapan ken?

“Udah bulan apa ini, masi aja bingung” – Pak Feri.

Coba aja bikin membership fuzzy segampang bikin membership indomaret alfamart.

“Ini gampang banget loh bikin fuzzy di CMEX” – Pak Feri.

Ini lah akibatnya kalau tugas kelas SKPE kerjaannya cuma ngopas.

Iya pak, saya lagi nyari tau gampangnya dimana…….

Midnight Thoughts

Haloooo semuanya yang menantikan postingan terbaru blog aku wqwq.

Yaaa, jam segini 12.55 AM jam jam rawan akan random thoughts. Mulai dari panik soal skripsi (yaa masi stadium 1), sampai jadi throwback throwback waktu tugas akhir dulu.

Jaman dulu itu (LOL), disaat teman teman yang lain udah rencanain mau dibimbing sama siapa siapa siapa, nyari judul sana sini, nah akunya juga sibuk, sibuk yang lain… Sampailah suatu waktu itu Fuah, temen ku, bilang kalo dia mau dibimbing sama seorang dosen yaitu Pak Akhyan. Jadi, waktu Fuah mau ngobrol tentang judul TA dengan Pak Akhyan, akunya nimbrung. Nanya-nanya juga sama Pak Akhyan. Yaa wajar dong yaa, kan mumpung ada kesempatan sharing disela-sela istirahat. Naah, dapat lah judul yaitu “Mesin Las Otomatis” dari Pak Akhyan. Dan yaaa sebenernya Pak Akhyan juga udah ngomong dari awal, kalo slot mahasiswa bimbingan dia udah penuh, intinya seakan-akan ada makna tersirat ‘lu ga usah kode-kode mau gue bimbing deh ken’ wqwqwqwq. Aku nya juga selau sih dibimbing sama dosen yang mana aja asal judulnya gampang wkwkkk.

Kekalutan muncul nih, saat itu hari terakhir ngumpulin berkas judul tugas akhir dan deskripsi singkat. Sumpah aku masih inget banget itu aku kumpulinnya ngasal banget yang penting kumpul. Jadi di PCR sistemnya saat itu mahasiswa masih harus mengisi form yang berisi judul, deskripsi singkat dan pembimbing.

Karna udah panik, ga ada ide samasekali, aku isi :

Judul : Mesin Las Otomatis

Pembimbing : (Kalo ga salah sih aku kosongin)

Deskripsi : Bla bla bla intinya begitu lah mesin las manual yang pake elektroda, di jadiin otomatis dengan menggunakan motor stepper dan roda gigi.

Soalnyaaaa disaat yang bersamaan aku juga disibukan dengan apaaaaa gitu pokoknya bikin stress, jadinya buat mikirin judul TA jadi keteteran.

Sampai lah daftar tugas akhir mahasiswa ditempel. Judul mana yang diterima, judul mana yang ditolak. Dan di judul aku, tulisannya :

Judul diterima. Pembimbing : AMN (Inisial Pak Akhyan) dan JJJ (Pak Jajang)

Lumayan bingung sih, lah katanya kan….

Dan akunya langsung temui Pak Akhyan, beliau langsung ngomong.

“Waah kamu ambil judul saya itu juga ya jadinya?”, tanya pak Akhyan.

“Heheh iya abisnya ga ada judul lagi paak. Bingung juga niken pak”.

“Iyaaaa, itu pas di rapatin kemarin, disebut judul kamu itu. Terus, ditanyain ini judul siapaa. Nah, ga ada tuh yang ngaku ngasih judul itu ke kamu. Jadinya yaaaaa saya ngaku saja lah ya”,

“Yaaa, karena judulnya dari saya ya saya harus tanggung jawab lah. Itu kontrol nya lumayan jadi saya ajuin pak Jajang buat jadi pembimbing 2 nya.”, lanjutnya.

LOL, begitu ceritanya. Sedih bet yak, ga ada yang mau membimbing ku 🙁


Jujur sih dulu aku sempat ga mau ke workshop, takut ketemu sama Pak Akhyan karna udah berapa kali di tagih proposal tapi masih stuck. Tapi ya, itu sih bagusnya kalo se dosbing sama temen-temen yang care. Jadi kalo satu ilang langsung ketauan, yang lain pasti nyariin. Maksudnya, kalo satu ada masalah sampe ga mau temuin dosbig, yang satu dosen bimbingan pasti tauu, atau minimal si dosen juga pasti nanyain, “Eh si itu mana sih? Kok ga ada nemuin saya?”


Udah duls deh ya, ngantuq wkwk




So, today I’m going to tell you a super-I-can’t-believe-it news. But first, let me tell you about what’s happened since July. In the second week of May, I didn’t pass in the first sidang proposal (what a shame actually). The bad thing was, it took a half of my last semester to finished it. But failed as i told you in my last post. Since that day, I felt horrible. Only 3 months left to finished my PA if I want to graduate this year. Oh Mah GAD! A week later I started to do my proposal from the very first page. Thank you soo much for those people who keep motivate me. A month later my second proposal finished. A long hard weekss. So hard. So many regrets but ya there’s nothing I can do to turn back the time so I have much time to do it leisurely. I came to workshop almost every day to ask my dosbing, or sometimes i had to come to his house to bimbingan. There’s nothing come without a problem. I got so many problems but yah let’s skip it.
But Allah really know how my effort to finish it. So He make it easier while the second sidang proposal in the middle of July. Alhamdulillah and I need to finished my revisi within 2 weeks. Within 2 weeks (just before Ramadhan), I finished my down side base. And in Ramadhan, my plan was  finished the mechanic side and after the lebaran’s day, I could continue my electric side in my home-Duri. But the bitter truth is, till the first week of August, none of them was done. I have to finished mechanical and electrical within a week, but still. I cant do it as my wished. Aaand finally, Sept 2nd was the day when mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic assembled. HAHA and Sept 5th was the due date. But Alhamdulliah, after giving all of my strength, I could give my laporan PA at 5pm, fresh from the fotocopy machine. wkwkwk.
Aaaand finally, my sidang schedule was published. Sept 15th 2014 gonna be legend-wait for it.
A day before, I came to workshop to check on my lovely-PA. And all gooooood. So I back to my room to prepare for the big day. Then, in Sept 15th, I woke up at 5am. Checked on my phone and my friend told me that our dosbing can’t come to our sidang today. UH OH. My dosbings were Mr. Akhyan and Mr. Jajang. Mr. Akhyan told me too that he can’t come that day. And I still didn’t know if Mr. Jajang could come or not. As we know, the rule said that no dosbing no sidang. I really wished that Mr. Jajang could skip any class or meeting to attend my sidang. Mr. Akhyan told me that Mr. Jajang had a meeting till 9am. And my sidang have to start at 8.50 am. It’s 8.30 but I still don’t know that Mr. Jajang could come or not. I felt so panic. But Mr. Akhyan kept support and told me to keep calm and don’t panic. Everything’s gonna be Ok, and Mr. Jajang would come. Ah Thank you so much sir. It’s 8.50 and Mr. Jajang wasn’t coming yet. And at 09.05, Aji told me that Mr. Jajang was on his way to workshop where my sidang held. Oh Alhamdulillaaah ya Allah thank you so much.
There were Mr. Jajang, Mr. Edilla, Mr. Jup, Ms. Made, Mr. Agus, and Mr. Tata in the class. The first section was demo. Do you get what demo means? That means you have to run your machine in front of lecturers. Haha the first time I pressed the PB-ON, it panicked. Haha finally I believe that our machine could panic in front of lecturers. But at the second time, it ran as well as before. And then bla bla bla bla bla, Mr. Edilla told me the result. He said, “Saudari Dahlia Canny, kami nyatakan TIDAK LULUS”, and I’m like “haaAAAAH?” automatically. HOW COME?? Haaaaaaah I CAN’T ACCEPT THISSSSSSS. Haaaaaa what should I do? I don’t want to continue this lifeee aaaaaa..But then, Mr. Jajang said, “Belooom, belom selesaai. Dengarin dulu baik baik.” My heart beat normally as Mr. Jajang said that. I can smiling hehehehe I know what he meant. And Mr. Edilla continued, “kami nyatakan tidak lulus sekarang, jadi harus mengerjakan revisinya dulu selama dua minggu” Hua hua hua hua itu maksudnya lulus bersyarat. Hehehehheheeh Alhamdulillah ya Allaaah. Finally i can smile with all of my heart hehehe.

Dairy!! Legendary!!
I need to finish my revisi first within 2 weeks. O Allah, give me strength to do it right ya Allah. Aamiin.
I can’t hold myself from not telling anyone because I can’t hide my happiness, I’m so HAPPY


Haaaaaaaaa, targetnya pertengahan maret udah siap proposal, tapi ini udah tanggal 9 April belom kelaarrrrrr. Siriusli, harusnya tu bisa cepat nyelesain nyaaaa. Masalahnya tu ya itu, aku ga tau masalahnya tu apa. I don’t even know what I don’t know. Ya sih, aduh. Bisa sebenernya, tapi ya aku akui aku yang malas ngerjainnya. See? daripada ngerjain proposal, aku malah ngeblog. Aku suka stres sendiri padahal itu proposal ga dikerjain. Stres liat yang lain udah pada banyak yang maju sidang, stres liat yang lain udah ngerjain alat dan sibuk di Workshop. Aduh niken, ayolah. Kadang aku mikir, yang bisa memotivasi aku tu cuma Mama. Tapi tiap balik ke rumah tu gak dimotivasi, malah dibikin stressssss. Lagi sibuk jadi silent reader di Twitter, Mama datang nanyain, “Uni wisuda tanggal berapa?”, “Uni ntar kebayanya mau warna apa?”, “Mama akhir tahun ni mau pergi kesini, bisa ikut lah uni tuh ya kan udah selesai kuliahnya”, “Uni…” so on and on.. Papa juga sama, “Uni udah pikirin mau kerja apa lanjutin kuliah?”, “Uni udah pikirin mau lanjutin kuliah dimana?”… ngok. Jadinya guling-guling sendiri.

Come on niken come on.

Actually, I have so many friends who motivate me all the time. Not only from my friends, but also from a ‘stranger’. Kalau ga salah itu akhir bulan febuari. Balik dari nonton futsal anak Meka, there was a white rose infront of my room’s door. With a message “Keep spirit for your final project”. Sweet? or no?
Beberapa hari kemudian, ada lagi yang begituan. Tapi kali ini ga ada pesannya. Aku yakin itu dari satu orang, karena sama-sama mawar putih dan ngasihnya dengan cara yang sama. But until now, I haven’t said thank you yet. Sooo, I’m gonna say Thank you for the white roses and the motivation.



Okay, i’m going to share what i feel right now. Soo Miserable. 2014 is going to be the most stressful year for me. And the year that i’ve been waiting for, since i became PCR’s student. Graduation! But nobody said it was easy. AAAAAAA! New year’s eve will come in a couple days. Oh come on nikeeeeeen. January Febuary April July and soon your graduation day on November. Ya, so how’s your TA?

Alright, I already have a topic for my final project. But I never think about it. I never continue my proposal. And I acted like I don’t care, but actualy I do care, but I just dislike the topic that I ever submitted. Regret? Oh come on. Sure.

They said, “Why did you pick that topic for your final project?” Yaa, i have a strong reason. At that time-where all of my friends so busy thinking about their final project’s topic-I have another important things to think about. Head of my major suddenly messaged me to prepare myself for something likee.. selection of best student in PCR. What? Am I that good? I felt so stresssssssssed. I wanna scream so loud and I can not enjoy my vacation anymore. What should I do? Ya I am so proud of myself, but feels like i’m not worth it sir.

Ya, I came to Mr. Jajang because i need him to help me, but he just said, “You can do it nikeen, Don’t be so stress. This is so easy” Oh sir, pleaseee.

When all of my friends stressed about their final project’s topic, I stressed about another topic. The topic for my presentation.

And then, when the day came, it was Wednesday (or sadness-day), guess what happened. Soo baaaad hahaha. Okay, bad day but still good experience. Alrite, forget it and oh i only had 1 day left to think about my final project’s topic. Okay, i admit it that i have a bad time-management. It all caused by a bad time-management -_- my bad.

So that day was Friday when the deadline of Final Project’s Topic. And you know whaat, I started to fill the final project’s topic form at 03.00 PM and at 04.00 PM it had to be done. Double u-o-double u
I had no idea about what i wrote on that form. Whatever. I wish that my lecturer denied the topic that i submitted.

And the worst day ever came, the topic accepted. Whattttheee…….. When all of my friends wished that their topic will be accepted, i wished the opposite. Gileeeee. Why? Because i have no idea about the topic I picked! The most important thing, I don’t like it. I don’t want to continue it. I wanna change it. Ya i want to. They said, if you don’t like where you are, change it. You’re not a tree. But, this is not that simple. Just.. Or maybe I just make it more complicated. Alright, another mistake. I always thinking everything’s gonna be so hard and I can’t handle it. I know what should I do right now, but… Okay let’s continue this later. Or maybe i would never continue this post hahahaha

Welcome Semester 4

Besok semester 4 udah dimulai. Feeling so different… Semester sungguh berbeda dengan semester sebelum-sebelumnya. Takut sih sebenarnya gak bisa ngelaluinnya dengan baik, sebaik semester 1 dan 2.. Kenapa semester 3 enggak? soalnya semester 3 aku gak sebaik yang lainnya. Tapi Alhamdulillah masih dikasih IP segitu o:)

Bedanya di semester 4 ini apanya yaa, intinya pressure meningkat drastis. Misalkan semester 1 pressurenya level 2, semester 2 pressurenya level 3, semester 3 pressurenya level 4, semester 4 pressurenya langsung level 7. Pressure meningkat, tapi mood-booster nya….

Pressure level 7 kenapa?
1. Judul Proyek Akhir udah ada paling lambat tanggal 19 April 2013, ya jelas aku belum ada judul… Terus ntar bulan Mei judul udah difix kan. Oh man
2. Proyek-proyek mata kuliah tertentu, sekitar 2 atau 3 proyek kayaknya ni semester ini. Yaaa sebenernya sama aja sama semester kemarin, tapi jelas, tingkat kesulitannya naik 50%-100%
3. Proposal TA kalau bisa sebelum KP alias sebelum semester 5 udah SIDANG
4. Jadwal kuliah udah gak enak. Yaa walaupun 32 jam perminggu, tetap aja masuk jam 7 pulang jam 4. Oh iya! Kuliah hari sabtu itu ENGGAK BANGEEEEET!!!

Ya Allah, lancarkan Semester 4 ku, insyaAllah do the best, get the best. Aamiin ya Rabb. Sabar niken, wisuda 2014 amiiiin o:)

English D

Actually, 2 days ago, Mr.Jay-my English lecturer-chatted me on facebook.And he said, “I miss our class”.
And then I flash back to our last meeting. I like my English class. Even that only 4 girls in my class and surrounded by 23 boys and plus 1 man-my lecturer. Mr.Jay like to give us many assignments, give us a couple minutes tests (10 questions in 10 minutes or 20 questions in 10 minutes), give us a topic and then we debate about it.
On our last meeting, Mr.Jay ordered us to wear a Batik. and then we took some picture. Hahaha,  that was so funny.
I think, Mr.Jay is a great lecturer. He liked to give us many homework like make a story and then we performed it in front the class. And i think it make us more confident while doing a speech in front of many people. Even that at first, I hate it so much hahahaha >:)

And then i replied Mr.Jay on facebook,“Me too sir :(“
Yah, I miss my english class..

Silly Presentation

So, I wanna tell you about something that just happened to me and my team during Software class this morning. So, me and 2 other friends (Fattah and Valina) presented about what my lecturer ordered couple weeks before. He ordered us to made a kind of bazaar, and then we made a proposal and present it to get any fund from them. And then, my lecturer pretended to be an owner of any company that we didn’t even know what it could be. Might be a tend renting or might be a chicken slaughtering company. We didn’t expect that we will be interrogated by the company owner like this morning. At the beginning we expected that this presentation wont be so hard. So we became an program planner who need their contribution.
First, Valina explained about our goal, Fattah explained about our concept, and me explained about our target. And then, The owner of a company asked us about anything yaaaaa i knew it was our fault. And bla bla bla suddenly my lecturer as an owner of fund asked us,”How can you promote our company in your program?” then we said that we will provide a stage or a place for your company. And then he said,” My company is a chicken slaughtering company, my chicken will be so smelly in your program” and boooom woooow we never expected that the company was a  chicken slaughtering company and then, in my mind i said, oh, i’m sorry, my bad.. we didn’t need your company. i didn’t know that this company is a chicken slaughtering company ooops.. hahaha.. that was so (actually i didn’t know how to describe my feeling that time).. but I know, this is the challenge. we should now what the colleague wants. And then my lecturer asked my team, “let me see your protector” because we didn’t even place the protector in our proposal or presentation, I said innocently,”The God with all his strength and power” and my lecturer and my friends unexpectedly laugh at me with all their strength. what? am i did something wrong? the God is our protector right? why they are laughed at me?. Then i realized that yaaaaa i knew i was wrong. I had read many kinds of structure of organization, and they placed God as their protector. HAHAHAHAHA.. i’m sorry my team, my bad hahaha :p

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon my dearest bloggie 😀 Today, I wanna post something unimportant. Umm.. Actually, everything is unimportant. My head is fulled by making report. Yaaa this is life, and I have to do this. I had to do everything what my lecturer ordered. And now, if my mind were a laptop, I would press F5 to refresh my mind. Or I would press CTRL+A and then DELETE to forget everything. Hahaha no noo.. Just Kidding. There’s no a day without any task. yaaa… I had to enjoy it. and I know that I can do this!