Entries by Dahlia Canny

Welcome on our new Homepage!

Welcome! This is our new Homepage. Fresh and modern as it should be for every restaurant 😉 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla […]

Time for Miracles

Terima rapor hari ini. Hari ini terima rapor. Rapor diterima hari ini. Huuuhh. Dan dimulai jam 10.00 AM. Saya tidak sekolah jadinya hari ini. Dikarenakan antara belajar dan tidak belajar perbandingannya mencapai 49-51, dan lebih berat ke nggak belajar. Soalnya biasanya kan kalau terima rapor semester nggak belajar. Soalnya biasanya guru guru pada sibuk. Tapi ntah lahh […]

Happy New Year 2010

Ga kerasa ya hari hari terasa begitu cepat. wah. pastinya banyak hal hal yang ga kan terlupakan tahun 2009. haha. salah satunya naik kelas sebelas trus dapat kelas IPA (meskipun sekarang terasa sedikit nyesal masuk IPA). Yaudah sih. Kalau kata SBY sih lanjutKAN. Yaudah sih. Ga usah liat kebelakang. Yang pastinya harus bisa menyelesaikan kelas sebelas tahun ni. […]

New Year New Motto

You know I’m, looking forward to this new year. I was thinking of what my motto would be for the year and I came up with two things, that I think really speak to what it is I’ve been going for. The first one is this: new year, new beginnings. The second one: 2010, the year […]

I’m Totaly Tired

Okay, lemme tell you about some days ago. from Nov 30 till Dec 4, my school had school exam. and forced me to bring some books everywhere (haha, just bring but not to read). after the school exam’s gone, I thought I can spend my spare time happily, but it never coming. On Monday, Dec […]

What a Beautiful Day

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY! THE SCHOOL EXAM’S GONE!! Big laugh for it. Yap! Today is the day-i-ever-wanted. But how about the SCORE? idk yet. I doubt that I would get a GOOD SCORE for my semester report. Perhaps, Nick Jonas and The Administration’s new single could represent my feelin’ right now. Or maybe not at all 😐 hahaha Want someone to […]


Ketika di sekolah ntah lagi ngapa ngapain, tiba tiba bicarain masa SD. Haha… mulai dari ada masa masa tukaran orji sampai tukaran binder. Ada yang ngomong ini, “Eh aku belum punya nih yang ini, mau dooong.. tukeran yuk”. Ada juga yang lainnya, “Eh eh, yang ini tebaal, adinataa.. banding dua yaaa”. Terus ada lagi, “Eh […]