Old Things in Old Wallet
And then I saw a hospital member card. Oh that hospital, I love that place, that room, that bed, that infusion, and many more. It’s about 2 years ago, when my doctor told me that I’ve got DBD and Typhus. Do you wanna know what I felt? I was so happy hahahaha. Finally meeeeeeeeen! hahaha. Finally I know what it feels when you’re on an Ambulance (of course the siren is on). Insaneee hahahaah. I didn’t realize how dangerous the illnesses was. What I realized was I will spend several days and nights at hospital aaaand every people will show their love and attention for me hahaha.
There was a time when I wanted to go to toilet, and I couldn’t stand by myself. And I was saying to my mind, “Ooooh waaaaaw, soo now I can’t stand by myself… And what’s next? Can’t move my hands? Hahaha” I still didn’t realize how bad the illnesses was. I thought this is soooo much fun!
When my mom told me to drink Angkak (a traditional medicine from China), I rejected to drink it. It wasn’t because the taste of Angkak, I just didn’t want to be healthy hahahaha. I still wanna be hereeeeee mamaa hahaha. I was so glad being here. When my classmate texted me and grumbled about the tasksssssss (because of so many tasks so I typed so many ssss too), I was lying on my bed and watched TV ha ha ha ha. That was the point!
Until one day I felt so boooooreeee, and I realized that my life wasn’t good enought here. I felt my weight just increased. Because I just lying on my bed and ate sooo many delicious foods. Nom nom nom… I think I need to stop my break time. But that time, my doctor didn’t let me go home because my trombocyte wasn’t normal enought. Aaaand I decided to drink Angkak and guava juice as much as I can. Aaaand finally she let me go homeee oooh thank yaaauuuu!
After those days, I realized that I just made my family and friends worried. They were worrying me while I was soo happy being hospitalized. Ah, they might love me so much. What would happen to them if I passed away?
Actually, masih teringat dengan jelas waktu aku dianterin malam-malam ke rumah sakit, dijagain, dibeliin roti meskipun waktu itu hujan nya derrass se deras-derasnya. Thank you so much my best-classmate. Sari dan Fajria.
And what’s next? What kinda things that I found in my old wallet?
I think that’s all. I need to sleeep -_-
It’s 3.08 AM! Aaaaand ya see you again!