
Jadi gini, waktu SD kelas 1 tah kelas 2, ada ulangan Agama Islam ni ceritanya, kalau gak salah itu tentang Nabi Sulaiman a.s. Banyak hal yang diungkap dalam buku paket Agama Islam waktu itu. Disebutkan segala seluk beluk tentang Nabi Sulaiman a.s. Jadi di bukunya itu kalau gak salah ada tulisan gini, Nabi Sulaiman dianugerahkan Allah kebijaksanaan sejak ia remaja. Beliau juga memiliki berbagai macam keistimewaan, termasuk mampu berbicara, memahami dan bahasa hewan sehingga semua makhluk itu mengikuti keinginannya. Jadi, mungkin karena belum mampu menafsirkan kata-kata tersebut dengan baik dan benar, waktu ulangan, ada pertanyaan yang sampai sekarang masih berada di dalam sum-sum tulang belakang. Pertanyaannya gini:

Siapa yang bisa bicara dengan hewan?

Berdasarkan kata-kata yang sudah dihafal beberapa hari sebelumnya dari buku paket itu, dengan lugunya saya menjawab:


Jadi, beberapa hari kemudian, hasil ujian dibagiin. Aku liat, loh kok salah? kan dibukunya dituliskan “beliau” yang bisa bicara dengan binatang -_-. Terus, aku kasih kertas ulangan itu ke mama berharap mama juga berada dipihakku yang menyalahkan kenapa aku salah -,-
Aku ceritain ke Mama Papa, sontak mereka ketawa, dan aku gak ngerti kenapa mereka ketawa. Mereka juga gak jelasin kenapa aku salah, mereka cuma bilang, “bukan ini jawabannya ni” sambil cengengesan -_- dan mirisnya beberapa tahun kemudian, aku baru tau arti beliau itu apa HAHAHAHAHAHA :))

Bedtime story part 3

One day, when Alex in a confusion session, suddenly a person who wore a purple shirt gave her a big hug from behind. Remembered the shirt, Alex knew who was that. That was Jenny, then she shouted, “Jeeeeenny…” may be everyone who saw what happened to Jenny and Alex thought that uuuuh.. what happened to them? Are they didn’t meet for a year? hahaha, may be Alex and Jenny felt so. They walked towards the side of bustle. Alex kept screaming Jenny’s name. And Jenny just gave a meaningful smiling :). Alex still shocked emotionally. Alex couldn’t believe that Jenny could accept her apologized even that Alex never say sorry directly to Jenny. Maybe God heard her wish.

Since that moment, Alex and Jenny back to what they used to be. A best friend forever like there’s nothing happened. Alex couldn’t hide how glad she was. And Alex really didn’t know how to say Thank You to Jenny for her understanding 🙂 and now everything will gonna be okay between them 🙂

The End

English D

Actually, 2 days ago, Mr.Jay-my English lecturer-chatted me on facebook.And he said, “I miss our class”.
And then I flash back to our last meeting. I like my English class. Even that only 4 girls in my class and surrounded by 23 boys and plus 1 man-my lecturer. Mr.Jay like to give us many assignments, give us a couple minutes tests (10 questions in 10 minutes or 20 questions in 10 minutes), give us a topic and then we debate about it.
On our last meeting, Mr.Jay ordered us to wear a Batik. and then we took some picture. Hahaha,  that was so funny.
I think, Mr.Jay is a great lecturer. He liked to give us many homework like make a story and then we performed it in front the class. And i think it make us more confident while doing a speech in front of many people. Even that at first, I hate it so much hahahaha >:)

And then i replied Mr.Jay on facebook,“Me too sir :(“
Yah, I miss my english class..

Bedtime story part 2

Day by day, Alex still didn’t know what should she do. Everytime she met Jenny, she tried to say Hi or something but she thought it will never work. Because, Jenny didn’t want to faced Alex.

One day, Alex and Jenny ate in canteen on the same table. Alex wanted to start a conversation, but she cancelled it. Alex really didn’t know what topic would be best. Alex didn’t want to lose her best friend, Jenny. Alex wanted to say sorry to Jenny, but still, she didn’t have any power to say it. Alex just wanted to come back to Jenny and acted like what they were used to be. And Alex prayed to God to send her apologized to Jenny as soon as possible.

to be continued…

Bedtime story part 1

Once upon a time, there lived two teenage girls named Jenny and Alex. They were best friend, might be best friend forever aka BFF. They liked a teenage boy. One boy named David. Both Jenny and Alex were liking the same boy. One day Alex felt that day by day, Jenny’s feeling were getting deeper and Alex thought that David had the same feeling as Jenny did. So, Alex thought that she must move on as soon as possible, and allow Jenny  to increase her feelings.And then, day by day, Alex’s feeling for David getting smaller. But then, suddenly, David’s friend named Harry told Alex that his friend like her. Alex really didn’t know what should she gonna do. One side, she must permit her feeling because her friend like David so much, and the other side, David like her which make Alex must keep her feeling for David. Harry keep pressing Alex to tell Jenny about this condition. But, Alex still have no brave. Because everyday, Jenny still talked about David and she thought that David had the same feeling as she did, so did Alex. That made Alex so confused what should she do.

On the night, Harry made sure Alex that David really in love with her. But still, Alex didn’t trust him.

On the next night, Harry asked Alex out. Harry had a conspiracy with David. That night, David tried to tell Alex that he was in love with her. But still, she didn’t want to trust him. Until David said, “Alex, i like you.. so much”. One sentence made her so confused. She must pick one. David or Jenny. Alex want to choose Jenny, but how about David?. If Alex chose David, Jenny was her BFF. and she didn’t want to break their friendship.

Then Harry keep pressing Alex to being closed with David.
And then appreciated David’s feeling, Alex thought that she must tried to increased her feeling again. and forgot the Jenny’s feeling.

Day by day, Alex felt more comfort with David. They went to canteen, walked and sometimes lunch together.

Until one day, Jenny smelled Alex relationship with David. Jenny felt so angry. Alex wanna give any understanding, but she still have no brave. She didn’t want to broke her friend’s feeling. Even that she knew that this decision will make Jenny more sad.

to be continued…

Silly Presentation

So, I wanna tell you about something that just happened to me and my team during Software class this morning. So, me and 2 other friends (Fattah and Valina) presented about what my lecturer ordered couple weeks before. He ordered us to made a kind of bazaar, and then we made a proposal and present it to get any fund from them. And then, my lecturer pretended to be an owner of any company that we didn’t even know what it could be. Might be a tend renting or might be a chicken slaughtering company. We didn’t expect that we will be interrogated by the company owner like this morning. At the beginning we expected that this presentation wont be so hard. So we became an program planner who need their contribution.
First, Valina explained about our goal, Fattah explained about our concept, and me explained about our target. And then, The owner of a company asked us about anything yaaaaa i knew it was our fault. And bla bla bla suddenly my lecturer as an owner of fund asked us,”How can you promote our company in your program?” then we said that we will provide a stage or a place for your company. And then he said,” My company is a chicken slaughtering company, my chicken will be so smelly in your program” and boooom woooow we never expected that the company was a  chicken slaughtering company and then, in my mind i said, oh, i’m sorry, my bad.. we didn’t need your company. i didn’t know that this company is a chicken slaughtering company ooops.. hahaha.. that was so (actually i didn’t know how to describe my feeling that time).. but I know, this is the challenge. we should now what the colleague wants. And then my lecturer asked my team, “let me see your protector” because we didn’t even place the protector in our proposal or presentation, I said innocently,”The God with all his strength and power” and my lecturer and my friends unexpectedly laugh at me with all their strength. what? am i did something wrong? the God is our protector right? why they are laughed at me?. Then i realized that yaaaaa i knew i was wrong. I had read many kinds of structure of organization, and they placed God as their protector. HAHAHAHAHA.. i’m sorry my team, my bad hahaha :p